by gillian claire: brothers




 yes, every morning around here pretty much starts with roman in tears because asher is attempting to yank roman's hair out.sweet little asher is a total lover of biting and swiping us in the face. i don't know what it is, but he seriously loves to attack us. i guess maybe the reaction is just so exciting to him. i'm not for sure, but he just delights in kicking me in the face as hard as he can, or trying to bite my face off. it can be very trying at moments.
and i've realized by watching my four year old's reaction to this, that roman displays much more patience than i do. i may not cry out as much as roman does, although i definately have my, "ASHER" moments when he is yanking my hair out and kicking me in the face at the same time... but roman is quick to forgive and overall has been amazing with having a fighting biting little brother who doesn't share and doesn't cooperate!
 i want to say that i am more mature and patient and kind than a four year, but some days i really feel like it is the other way around. it's amazing the things that our little ones teach us. roman, with his gentle love towards our family inspires me. so here's to today - a day for me that will probably be filled with listening to roman's plans for his newest creation,  "spooky buddies" and yes probably a few bites from my littlest. hopefully i can handle it with as much grace as a four year old :)

brown county, indiana. 
(p.s. this was taken on our vacation when roman still had a terrible black eye from running into a picnic table!)


we went camping for the first time this summer, and these swings were right by the campsite. asher had so much fun  and was of course wiggling all around, putting his feet in and out of the leg holes and trying to stand. he absolutely loved when roman pushed him and was giggling with delight! to my sadness, roman is going through a stage of not loving the camera! ten months olds however, are always up for a photoshoot:)

these boys.

these boys,
my heart.


i love watching this relationship grow.
roman was under the impression last night that he would become asher's daddy when he grew up. :) i love that to roman, asher will always be his baby brother.

my boys.

i found this photo last night while i was going through a bunch of old photos on my computer. it was taken when asher was 7 weeks old. we were spending the evening at our new house before we moved in so that aaron could work on painting. it is so fun to watch these boys grow as brothers. i love it. i love how ever since asher began in my womb - he has been roman's brother. it's part of his identidy. to asher, having roman as a brother will be huge in shaping him as a person. asher ADORES his brother. it is precious to see his face light up when roman first wakes up in the morning. i love how roman says, "it's time for cuddles!" or, "it's broth (as in brother ) play time!" roman tends to get a little too rough with ash, but the funny thing is - asher loves it! i can just see them rough housing and running around like crazy together. asher reminds me so much of roman as a baby. he is determined and active. this little boy is just dying to crawl. he wishes to so badly. gosh, two boys is so much fun! i look forward to every part of raising them together. i always tell my boys how God knew i wanted two little boys - and that is the truth.
( asher reaching out for his best friend. )


you wouldn't beleive how many pictures i have of roman looking like he is going to eat asher. in fact i even have one just like this when asher is still in my tummy!
taken the night of roman's birthday party. 
aaron said, "let's get a picture of the boys together!"
and this is what followed... :)


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