we've totally been immersed in and enjoying the end of our summer and also the end of our life here in our country home. i just haven't been taking photos, haven't been working out, and have been spending more time just soaking in summer and the days at home with my littles.
life lately has been full of cleaning and organizing like a maniac, beginning to pack, signing a lease on our new house in town that is tucked away just enough to make us feel like we aren't in town (thank goodness for my husband's fantastic house finding abilities), deciding on classes for the fall (i STILL have yet to register...), swirling ideas for romey's homeschool going on in my head constantly, joking around with roman and hearing all his wonderful plans for his "school" that he is creating, watching asher change from a baby to a toddler in a blink of an eye, cudding with aaron as the weather slowly is changing to fall.
and slowly accepting the change of it all ;)
life lately has been full of cleaning and organizing like a maniac, beginning to pack, signing a lease on our new house in town that is tucked away just enough to make us feel like we aren't in town (thank goodness for my husband's fantastic house finding abilities), deciding on classes for the fall (i STILL have yet to register...), swirling ideas for romey's homeschool going on in my head constantly, joking around with roman and hearing all his wonderful plans for his "school" that he is creating, watching asher change from a baby to a toddler in a blink of an eye, cudding with aaron as the weather slowly is changing to fall.
and slowly accepting the change of it all ;)

time with my oldest boy during asher's nap.
and i had to include this one of asher when he fell asleep on my shoulder :)

You have been busy! I'm glad that the new house has a 'country feel' to it for you guys. I'm sure the boys will appreciate that as well!