i feel like i have much to write about and many pictures to sort through and share.
not to mention lots of things to do; like organize my house + figure things out for the fall.
for now i just want to share a few of the happy things in my life right now:

it's still rough waters over here between these two a lot of the time. but with all the change in our family and with asher getting just a little bit older, i have seen so much goodness + closeness between these two lately :)
i have to remind myself during the frustrating moments, that being able to see love unfold between my children is wonderful and worth it.

because i absolutely adore these portraits + because finally seeing the finished product of a photo shoot does an artist's soul good.

when asher sleeps in the car! with all the traveling + driving that we've done lately - you can only imagine how wonderful it is when this wild and spunky little boy is fast asleep in the backseat.
asher sleeping, roman playing quietly, starbucks in hand + the radio turned up: these have been some of the best moments in my life lately.
worst moment you ask? driving to find something on a craigslist ad, getting lost, asher screaming bloodly murder because he wants "out", roman screaming because asher is screaming... and basically many variations on that theme that have played themselves out in our car over the past month ;)
all the new beauty out here. mountains, wildflowers, rainbows, and big skies. i love being able to live right by the foothills of the mountains ;)

i can always depend on him :)
i have known aaron for thirteen years now, and it's just plain crazy.
here's to many more years + many more adventures + many more happy things to have
and cherish together. :)
what are your happy things right now?
here's to many more years + many more adventures + many more happy things to have
and cherish together. :)
what are your happy things right now?