asher actually turns 18 months old tomorrow, however i
really wanted to share these 15 month photos from the fall before it's way too
late :)
dear asher,
sorry that i get so frustrated when you kick + kick + kick my face, grab,
scream, whine, destroy and get into everything. you have a strength about you
that just tests my selfishness almost every day. but there is also a poetry about
you that is a gift to my soul. the way you twirl and twirl and twirl my hair, the way you lay your head on my chest and sing
with me, the way you've always given such genuine kisses + hugs since you were
only months old. tonight in the bath amidst a dreary weary day, we heard
"rainbow connection" come on from the muppets movie playing in the
living room and we sang and danced and smiled and hugged - all in slow silky
motion. your special darling smile, your warm baby butter body melting into my
arms. those are the moments that make me want to scream with joy. thank you my asher, for
bringing me new life each day.
love ,mama
(taken from my journal when asher was about 14 months old)
p.s. i'm SO excited to now be writing on the spearmint baby website!
read my first post from today here :)
p.s. i'm SO excited to now be writing on the spearmint baby website!
read my first post from today here :)